The Everyday Peace Toolkit Project
The Everyday Peace Toolkit Project aims at putting together free research-based resources that people can use to respond to situations of everyday violence they might be experiencing in their lives.
The Research Component: How Can People Respond to Everyday Violence?
Is there anything we can do to transform or avoid the everyday forms of violence that we all face in our lives, like situations where we feel physically or emotionally hurt, humiliated, put down?
In order to find answers, this research seeks to unpack how violence happens, by understanding it as a spectrum of experiences that are part of our everyday life and relationships, rather than extraordinary events.
Contribute to this project by taking one or more of the surveys below. If you have any question in regards to choosing and filling out a survey, check out the 3 minutes video at the end of the page.
Micro-Aggression Survey
Institutional Harm
Have you experienced or witnesses incidents where you or someone else felt disrespected, hurt, or humiliated by strangers, even in brief interactions?
Have you experienced or witnessed interactions in an insitutional context that made you feel disrespected, unheard, or humiliated? Or do you work for an insitution and can tell us about the other side of the story? It could be any insitution, for example, health or mental health provider, school, law enforcement, social services, and more.
Relationships, Power, and Bullyism Survey
Aggression and Sexual Harassment Survey
Harm in Schools and Institutions Survey
Have you or your child been harmed or shamed in a school or youth institution? Have you or your child been bullied by peers, or coercion was used to discipline? There is also a section for people who work in schools and can tell us about the other side of story.
Survey FAQ: Are you not sure which survey is for you? No worries, simply choose the one that resonates with you.
If you are still unsure, check out this 3 minutes videos, or drop us a message below! Thank you!
This project is funded by Peace and Disarmament Education Trust.